The library at the O’Donnell Institute brings together important contributions from generous scholars, curators, and collectors

With nearly 9,000 volumes, the EODIAH Library’s collection comprises printed books, journals, exhibition catalogues, auction catalogues, and printed ephemera.
Personal library of the late John E. Buchanan, Jr., former Director of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, donated in his honor by wife Lucy Buchanan.
Books on the history of printmaking donated by print scholar and dealer Carolyn Bullard.
Conservation Science Collection
Resources related to conservation and conservation science, including the Getty Conservation Institute research series.
Mr. and Mrs. I.D. Nash Flores Collection
Materials on twentieth-century American artists including monographs, exhibition catalogs, and rare artists’ books from the collection of arts philanthropists Mr. and Mrs. I.D. Nash Flores.
Rare volumes on German architecture with a special focus on pre-World War II photodocumentation of Berlin, from UT Arlington architectural historian Douglas Klahr.
Books on pre-Columbian, African, Oceanic, Indonesian, and Native American art collected by John Lunsford, former curator and director of the Dallas Museum of Art.
Ivan and Winnie Phillips Collection
The personal library of collector Ivan Phillips, reflecting his interests in early Italian panel painting, nineteenth- and twentieth-century painting, and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century printmaking.
Personal library of materials related to American art formed by longtime director of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston Perry T. Rathbone, donated by his son Peter Rathbone.
Jeffrey Chipps Smith Collection
Collection of more than 3,000 volumes focusing on the art and architecture of Northern Europe (especially Germany and the Low Countries) between 1400 and 1700, donated by UT Austin professor emeritus Jeffrey Chipps Smith.
Personal library of scholar of Islamic art Oliver Watson, shelved at the O’Donnell Institute’s research center at the Dallas Museum of Art.
The personal library (c. 300 volumes) of the painter John Wilcox, donated by David K. Wilcox as part of The John Wilcox Archive.
The Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia,” a partnership between the O’Donnell Institute and the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, houses a small library (c. 400 volumes) of materials related to the art history of Naples, southern Italy, and their wider worlds. Books are consulted on-site at the center in Naples.
Additional collections
The EODIAH Library is also home to major donations from Bonnie Pitman, Carolyn Brown, Rollin W. King, and Roger Horchow.